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Competition Format

  1. Duration: 12th Feb 2023 - 28th May 2023

  2. Teams of 5 (Includes GK) on field

  3. Maximum 8 players per team (Includes 3 subs)

  4. 30 Minute Games (15 minute halves)

  5. Competition will run for 16 rounds (not including finals)

  6. Fixtures coming soon

  7. Run as a standard league format.

    1. Win = 3 points

    2. Draw = 1 point

    3. Loss = 0 points

Payment Info


$900 Per Team (Whole Comp)

  • One Off Payment

  • Roughly 20% Cheaper

  • No Headache 

  • Encourages teammates to show up every week



Transfer To:

Bank Name: Commonwealth Bank
Account Name: St Antonios Coptic Orthodox Church
BSB: 062-199
Account Number: 00903117


Send a screenshot of receipt screen along with your team name to Michael +61 457 092 200 



 $70 Per Team (Per Week)

  • Works Out $1120 overall   

  • Flexible option for teammates that can't make it every week

  • Pricier in long-term

  • Pay in Cash or Eftpos before game

  • Headache for Team Captain to chase up $10 from each teammate before every game every week 

Team Registration Form

Please take a moment to fill out the form.

Payment Option

Thanks for submitting! You will be added into a whatsapp captains chat

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